If our life in Christ means anything to you, if love can persuade at all, or the Spirit that we have in common, or any tenderness and sympathy, then be united in your conviction and united in your love, with a common purpose and a common mind. - Philippians 2:1-2

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Reflection Questions: Chapter 5 "Displacement"

Reflection Question for Chapter 5: Displacement (p.60-73)

"According to Webster's dictionary, displacement means to move or to shift from the ordinary or proper place" (p.61).

In describing voluntary displacement as a Christian call, the authors say that "displacement is not primarily something to do or to accomplish, but something to recognize. In and through this recognition a conversion can take place, a conversion from INVOLUNTARY [capitals mine] displacement leading to resentment, bitterness, resignation, and apathy, to VOLUNTARY [capitals mine] displacement that can become an expression of discipleship" (p.71).

  1. What would be some examples of involuntary displacement?
  2. What would be some examples of voluntary displacement?
  3. Where in your own life do you find/recognize/experience displacement(s)?
  4. How can these displacements become the basis of compassion and community?
  5. The authors claim that as a church "we are people who together are called out of our familiar places to unknown territories" (p.62). Can you think of any places that are considered "unknown territories" to your own church (CCUMC)? to the United Methodist church in general? to God's Church universal?
  6. For today and tomorrow, pray about how you specifically might have been called "out of [your] ordinary and proper places to the places where people hurt and where [you] can experience with them our common human brokenness and our common need for healing" (p.62).

As always, when questions and thoughts come up in your mind, be in conversation with Jesus. Do not be afraid to wrestle wiht God! After all, Jacob did!


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