Mission Trip Prayer Calendar: May 2009
As we enter into May, all of us on the Mission Team, the Host Team, and the Home Team continue with our preparations for the summer mission trip to Kumi. We begin this month's phase of preparations with a Prayer Calendar. We join in the mission trip with our prayers, knowing that the while Uganda is not our only focus during the summer months, but believing that prayer and ministry are intertwined and that, as Henry Nouwen says, both are "manifestations of God's all-embracing love".
The calendar offers suggestions for prayers that focus on different phases of preparations, for prayers that focus on individual team members, for prayers that focus on specific aspects of the team's time in Uganda, etc.
As a prayer tool, the calendar helps us meditate on one issue related to the mission trip and then asks us to expand that issue beyond the trip into the larger contexts of our faith community, our nations, and our globe. For example, on June 16th, we are asked to think about where the team will sleep while they are in unfamiliar territory in Uganda. In lifting up prayers for their accommodations and lodgings, we hope that arrangements will be smooth and uncomplicated. Then, on June 17th, we are asked to reflect beyond just our immediate concerns for the team's welfare. As a community of believers who care for the well-being of all God's creatures, we need to also reflect upon, and pray for, all people who are in need of shelter, warmth, and comfort -- whether they be in Uganda, in California, or in any other city around the world.
Another example can be found in the three-day prayer cycle of May 21st-May 23rd. On May 21st, we will pray for good health for all team members; on May 22nd, we remember in prayer all who are sick, dying, or in need of spiritual healing; then on May 23rd, we pray specifically for the children suffering from Aids/HIV, malaria, malnutrition, etc. In this instance, the calendar serves as a tool to name general concerns that individuals can then pray for with very specific and concrete things about health, healing, sickness, etc., which we should remember and lift in prayer.For May, we begin with the following prayers:
Prayers for May 10th - May 16th
Pray for vision, clarity & creativity in Mission work at CCUMC
Pray for mission work at local, national, & global levels during these summer months
Pray for safety of all Christian volunteers engaged in mission work outside their countries
Pray that team’s UMVIM applications will be in good order for acceptance
Pray for clear discernment for appropriate host gifts; pray for the shoppers
Pray that you will discern the spiritual gifts you can offer to help Mission work
Pray for Spiritual inspiration for VBS leaders
Prayers for May 17th – May 23rd
Pray for Donna Chan Chu as she prepares for this journey
Pray for Mission team’s families & pets left behind
Pray for mission team’s co-leaders as they handle administrative tasks & represent the team on journey
Pray for leader of our church as they lead us in Christian living
Pray for good health for Mission team during the trip
Pray for the sick & in need of healing
Pray for children suffering from Aids/HIV, malaria, & malnutrition
Prayers for May 24th – May 31st
Pray for Peter Chu as he prepares for this journey
Pray for Finances- related issues for all phases of the mission trip
Pray for funds to continue YCVM construction
Pray for the trip treasurers as they manage team expenses
Pray that all team members will find peace & joy on this trip
Pray for trip photographers; pray that we will all recognize faces/places of joy & love
Pray for trip videographers; pray that we all can recognize sights and sounds of peace & reconciliation
Pray for Aeri Lee as she prepares for this journey
If you wish to receive a hardcopy or an electronic copy of the 2009 Mission Trip Prayer Calendar, let us know in the Comments section.
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