Day 4: Blog Post by Ben
July 10th, 2009
This morning, we awoke to roosters crowing, and discovered a light rain falling steadily. We are thankful for the rain, since the Kumi area is currently experiencing a drought and the poor harvest this year will result in famine in 2010. The lack of rain has also put YCVM’s citrus orchard project on hold until the rains return. The temperature is cool, but the sky began to clear and it warmed up by the afternoon. Since our team arrived very late last night, we slept in late this morning, and spent the morning simply relaxing, and unpacking our boxed materials. We are thankful that none of the equipment was damaged!Burt provided the morning devotional, and we read letters from home team members Peter and Jasmine, and Brenda and Vince. We also discussed how our two lay preachers will craft their messages for coming Sunday worships, where our team will participate. Dustin also offered to give a sermon on Salvation, tying together many of the stories and songs that we are planning to use. He then spent the rest of the morning and afternoon working out the content while others rested or rehearsed some music.
The YCVM team and band arrived in the afternoon, and we all sat down for a formal introduction and kickoff meeting. The band then performed some of their original praise music using traditional handmade instruments, and everybody got up to sing and dance in praise to God. There was an amazing joy amongst everyone here, and the Holy Spirit was visibly present.
Following the music, Grace Among, one of the YCVM board members, gave a stirring and heartfelt overview of YCVM’s ministries, where she shared how the children in the local area are desperately in need of a strong, positive presence in their lives. Because of recent civil wars, the community was left with many orphan children who are then forced to abandon their education in order to provide food for themselves. In turn, the resulting lack of education and parental support leaves these orphans vulnerable to abuse and poor life decisions.
The combined team then discussed the content and format of the 1-day Vacation Bible School that will be held on the next 2 Saturdays. Our drama, songs, games, and crafts were described and the leaders determined how to effectively conduct the activities. It looks like the program will be a good one!Towards the end of the meeting, our team presented gifts of duffel bags to the YCVM band, and the meeting concluded with a special visit from Martin Odi, who is a retired bishop (Pentecostal Assembly of God) and also a YCVM board member. More singing and dancing provided a final send-off for all, as the sun set. It was truly a blessed time.
Tomorrow is a full day, with the team bus departing at 8am to head to the VBS site. We are expecting 400 children, so we will have our hands full. After that, we’ll be finalizing our plans for Sunday, where the combined YCVM team will lead worship at a local church. It will surely be a weekend of new and wonderful experiences!
Prayer Requests:
-Pray for Dustin as he prepares his talk.
-Pray that today and tomorrow would be in the hands of God.
-Pray for each team member’s continuing recovery from jetlag.
-Pray for how to move forward in partnership with YCVM in the coming years.
-Pray for each child to experience and learn about God at tomorrow’s Vacation Bible School.
Questions from today:
1. Who locked themselves out of their room?
2. Who was jokingly told that they looked “3 months pregnant”?
3. How many liters of Rwenzori water were purchased for the Kumi trip?
4. What musical instrument did our team bring to give to YCVM this summer?
Here are the answers to yesterday’s blog questions:
1. Aeri roomed with the Bishop’s sister Patience at a United Methodist Women’s Assembly in Los Angeles a few years ago. They were both part of the Global Praise team that led worship at the conference.
2. Valene told Dustin not to drool if he happens to fall asleep on her. We are all prone to falling asleep on those long bus rides!
3. Valene is in the lead with 7 mosquito bites. I think Ben is catching up …
4. Aeri and Bishop Daniel Wandabula are age-mates (Aeri turns 41 in August).
[Posted by HAT w/ Photo-editing assistance from TAT and Video-posting assistance from Matt]
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