Day 6: Blog Post by Burt
Day Six – Sunday, 12 July 2009
Good Evening from Kumi Mission Team!
[This blog would have been completed last night, but due to a power outage, this writer had no choice but to resume mid-afternoon today.]
“This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Thus began our Sabbath, a day of praise and worship with large dosages of African music and dance. Needing to meet the YCVM band at 7 AM, we lined up at the dining room by 6 AM [yawn, yawn]. Fortunately, we appreciated the avocado and banana addition to the breakfast plate, complemented by a beautiful, red-hued sky. Indeed, only God can make a sunrise as beautiful as this.Within moments, we arrived at the Pentecostal Assembly of God Church in town for the 8 AM service. The YCVM team was already in place filling the sanctuary with uplifting music preparing all of us for worship. Brother Dustin gave a very rousing sermon, “What Must I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?”, based on Luke 18:18-26. We remained for the 10 AM to Noon service. Again, Brother Dustin gave another rousing sermon using the same text, incorporating new examples and illustrations. His sermons were simultaneously translated in Iteso, the local language. Our Kumi Drama Team’s presentations were also equally powerful and well-received by the congregations. We left shortly after Dustin’s sermon to return to the hotel for lunch and a brief rest period.
Setting out for our third service of the day, all of us headed west for Ngora Nurses Training School for an outdoor service under the canopy of gigantic trees nestled among several two storied buildings. It was indeed a beautiful setting to present the word of God through songs and dance to an appreciative audience. Most of the students, which also included men, were in their 20’s and 30’s. After many songs and much joyous dancing, we began the God-Talk portions. This writer presented a Three Minute Talk, sharing his experiences growing up as a foster child. Again, our Kumi Drama Team performed their skit in a powerful way, followed by Sister Becky further expanding upon the themes presented in the drama skit.
And, because of Matthew’s hard work in making the right connections, we were blessed with a phone call from our Home Team and congregation around 9 PM our time, 11 AM home time. And, as an extra bonus, Silver answered the call as we were also having evening reflections. It was great to have a brief moment to hear from each other.
What a Sabbath all of us had totally almost six hours of worship. We thank and praise our gracious God for being in our midst and binding our heart, minds and souls together, YCVM and Kumi Mission Team! Praise God! Amen. Here are the answers to yesterday’s blog questions:
1. A beetle that looked the size of a small parakeet.
2. A very large rat.
3. Peter Chu
4. We ate lunch in Grace’s mother’s multi-purpose room.
Here are some tongue twisters and mind stretchers for those who enjoy puzzles:
1. Which couple slept under their mosquito net switching their pillows from the head board to the foot of their bed?
2. Who, among the Kumi team members, is sometimes called “Donnit”?
3. Who was left with an unfinished shower during the power outage in the company of a gecko?
4. Who is named Asiannut?
Many thanks to our Home Team Members and the wonderful letters we’ve been reading each morning. You are greatly appreciated.
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